New Physics

The term black physics is rather rare in the world of world wide web. All the air is given to the conventional physics which is taught at school and university. However, this is not the only physics because there is also its hidden form, related to transhumanist technologies, exotic propulsion systems or psychotronic weapons. Secret physics differs from its public form by the fact that it has a different basis and explains realin (sensory picture) from a different perspective. To discover and understand black physics, you should change your mind at its basis.

What is this usual mind like? At its center we have an event, which occurs because of movement of the matter. Movement causes change, change gives rise to difference, and the appearance of the difference is called an event. Since all events are caused by movement, I call them reonomous. This is a Greek word which means "related to stream, flow". This form of movement has to pass every intermediary point, to get from A to B.

Movement historically was a very important notion which was used by Aristotle. This reonomous Aristotelianism is part of the history of all subsequent natural philosophy and later – physics. After combining this principle with the atomic theory, we get the main model of modern science. We have macroscopic reonomous events that are movement; compress them to the microscopic size, put inside the matter and obtain the basis of the large-scale phenomena. A large macroscopic event is a sum of micro-events.

Both outside and inside we have reonomous movement. Summing small elements and events we get a large object and a large event. There is no essential difference how movement is described, precisely or only probabilistically.  It is movement in any case, understood as defined. For instance, movement is not defined in quantum mechanics, whereas in classical mechanics – it is defined, however in both cases we deal with reonomous events.

One would think it natural, a usual form of fixatum (fixed sensory picture) perception and there is nothing else to base the perception of reality on, except movement. Fixatum is projected onto laxatum (malleable inner picture of mind) and from it – beyond fixatum to primary reality, presuming that the realin of fixatum is formed partly by analogy and reflects the forms of external reality.

To make the minimal model closer to our phenomenological world, we should sum all parameter blocks. One quantum becomes an accumulation of quanta and it exhibits the properties of our observed world. Also, this model shows that all phenomena may be explained by quanta or properties of quanta. In other words, to understand and explain the reality, one should research the whole collection.

Analogical projection of the model onto fixatum assumes that it has at least some forms and structures from beyond and that the real cognition at the level of form occurs. A researcher carries out actions in the primary reality with his/her body and equipment, observes reactions in the external realin and draws conclusions from this.

However, the idea I am trying to convey, which can be called direct analogous correlation, is exhausted and to make a further step one should shift attention from what is obvious and find another basis to explain the laxatum of the brane. As long as we do not detach ourselves from movement as the foundation, the progress will be hindered. The hierarchy, which extends from matter to space, movement and time, should be replaced. This is what black physics has done. Realin was viewed from the perspective of other categories, which solved many problems. These "other categories" are not introduction of probabilities, neither are they the holographical principle, which are interesting models, but not revolutionary enough.

This revolution means that the block of space-movement-time is removed and replaced by other categories, such that transcend the usual limitations of reason. To explain the primary reality, the physical and gnostic branes, qualitative forms of realin of luxorin field is not a satisfactory basis. Thus, we can leave the quantum, energy, information, but remove the entire reonomous part and introduce other categories. Let these categories remain secret for the time being, since the research is not finished yet, however I intend to show the direction in which my thoughts are moving.

For this purpose, one should clean one’s mind from external forms, delve into the hidden depths of one’s mind, extract forms that were dormant there all the time, but remained undefined and unexpressed. I can make one more allusion. The provided figure has to be contemplated from the perspective of lower level, explaining the main block as composite, arising from deeper realities. Quantum is a complex structure, space is a complex structure, as well as movement and time. It seemed all the time that the provided model is a minimal system, however there is an even more fundamental level which cannot be expressed by usual forms of realin.

Having in mind the holoplastic reality model, the shown figure is only a small fragment, an incrustation into reality that cannot be expressed by any conventional concepts. To disclose the primary holoplastic reality, one needs a holoplastic consciousness which is possessed only by a few and in exceptional cases. If the meaning of the term "holoplastic" is unknown the definition is the following. It is a thought or reality that combines "everything, all the parts". The opposite word would be fragmented consciousness that reveals, dynamically combines only a partial picture. Holoplastic consciousness combines the whole picture and obtains the holoplastic reality.

Since I have a hope that I will have more examples of holoplastic consciousness, I will be able to reveal the new principle which transcends the model of reonomous physics. However, no details can be provided as my blog is followed by the forces these ideas are not intended for, therefore I will only use the level of principle, so that no one could steal my work.

Those who have such intentions and plan any kind of surveillance campaign will be disappointed because I am already observed in the world of my thoughts, but event there it is impossible to steal from me, as the defense system gives only the information that is meant for publishing in this blog.

This new physics is important in that it lets us demystify those areas that have been held esoteric and include them into the standard science as valid topics. It provides answers to questions "what is man", "what is life", and "what awaits us in the afterlife". One may call it the program for the coming 2017 year.


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